“He did more good in his time than almost any other of his contemporaries”
The Times 24 April 1911

“From a humble home in a little Cornish village he became a City journalist, MP for Salisbury, Editor of a leading London newspaper, life-long champion of the working classes and is remembered as being a Benefactor Extraordinary.” (R S Best 1981.)
In just 14 years over 70 major buildings were established as a direct result of bequests from John Passmore Edwards as well as many other gifts and donations to further their good work. Hospitals, Libraries, Schools, Convalescent Homes and Art galleries were provided, many of which continue to serve the community to which they were given.
In his “English Philanthropy 1660-1960” the social historian David Owen says “Amongst the late Victorian philanthropists, Passmore Edwards will survive critical examination better than most. Not only were his motives beyond reproach.. but his benefactions expressed deeply held and intelligent convictions about conditions of progress in his society“.