Postcards from the Railwaymen’s Convalescent Home at Herne Bay

If you have any similar images then please contact me.

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  1. I have a photo of a group dated 1952. My Grandfather is in the group. I have been trying to find out why he was there and for how long – he may have been there twice?
    He is James Henry Shirley born 24-8-1898 – died 15-11-1976 I think he may have been in some kind of accident whilst on the railway but unable to find any way of getting his work records from the railways. He live in Beckenham in Kent.
    I can send a copy of the photo is you would like it.
    If you can guide me with information where i can find out more about my Grandfather i would be very grateful.
    Wait to hear from you.
    Thank you

    • Sorry for delay in response, Pat. I have been told that the Archives at Kew have employment records of the individual railway companies. You would have to know which company he worked for. I don’t have any records of individuals who have stayed at the home, other than the few accounts like yours. I would love a coy of your hoto. You can send it to me at, Dean

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